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Rattlesnake Orchid (Goodyera Pubescens) "Great Terrarium Plant!"
Christmas Fern (Polystichum Acrostichodes)
New York Fern (Thelypteris Noveboracensis) "Bare Root"
Shining Club Moss (Huperzia lucidula)
American Tree Club Moss Great for Tree Terrariums!
Mullen (Verbascum thapsus)
Fan Club Moss
Reindeer Lichen (Cladonia rangiferina) "Buy 3 bags of moss get the 4th bag FREE!
Broom Fork Moss (Dicranum Scoparium) Great for terrariums!! "Buy 3 bags of moss get the 4th bag free!"
Organic Eastern White Pine Needle Tea Bags
Haircap moss
Delicate fern moss is great for terrariums. "Buy 3 bags of moss get the 4th bag free!"
Eastern White Pine Needles Organic from the forest of the Appalachian Mountains!
Tree Club Moss great for terrariums! "Buy 3 bags of moss get the 4th bag FREE!"
Whitetop Mountain Blend
Moss grab bag "Buy 3 bags of Moss get the 4th bag of Moss free!"
Witchhazel sticks
Witchhazel Bark
Eastern White Pine Needle Tea 100% Organic "WILD HARVESTED"